


  • abbr.

    Unified Modeling Language 统一建模语言;2。User-Mode Linux 用户模式Linux;

  • 学习《uml》怎么用


    Extending uml for agents
    Reasoning on {UML} Class Diagrams
    UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language
    SecureUML: A UML-Based Modeling Language for Model-Driven Security
    UML distilled (2nd ed.): a brief guide to the standard object modeling language
    Applying UML and patterns :an introduction to object-orientedanalysis and design
    Objects, components, and frameworks with UML: the catalysis approach
    The object constraint language: precise modeling with UML
    Requirements Engineering: From System Goals to UML Models to Software Specifications
    Designing Software Product Lines with UML 2.0: From Use Cases to Pattern-Based Software Architectures.